
Official Name: Canada
Sovereign Status: Sovereign Country
Government Type: Federal Parliamentary Democracy under a Constitutional Monarchy
Official Name (Local Language): Canada
ISO Country Codes: CA : CAN
Internet Domain: .ca
Government Web Site:


Government Website:
Sovereign Ratings:
Central Bank: Bank of Canada - Banque du Canada
Currency USD Exchange Rate: 1.28035 Canadian dollars (CAD) per US dollar (2020 est.)
Unemployment Rate: 5.67% (2019 est.)
Population below poverty line: 9.4% (2008 est.)
Inflation Rate: 1.9% (2019 est.)
Prime Lending Rate: 2.45% (Feb-21 - TradingEconomics)
GDP: $1,741 billion
GDP Pro Capita (PPP): $49,031 (2019 est.)
Currency Name: Canadian Dollar
Currency Code: CAD
World Bank Classification: High Income

GDP Composition:

Agriculture: 1.6% wheat, barley, oilseed, tobacco, fruits, vegetables; dairy products; fish; forest products
Industry: 27.7% transportation equipment, chemicals, processed and unprocessed minerals, food products, wood and paper products, fish products, petroleum, natural gas
Services: 70.7%

Source: Central Intelligence Agency Factbook

Financial Exchanges:

National Statistics Office:


Subject to Country Specific Sanctions? NO

The World Bank’s World Integrated Trade Solution

Business Language(s): English; French
Customs & Excise: The Canada Border Services Agency
Development Bank(s): Business Development Canada;
National Standards Bureau: Standards Council of Canada
Competitive Ind’l Performance: 14/141 (2019) Corruption Perceptions Index: 11/180
Ease of Doing Business: 23/190 (2019) Enabling Trade Index: 24/136 (2016)
Global Trade Alert Search ITC's Lega Carta
World Bank Logistics Performance Index

Export Credit & Insurance Show

Export Credit & Insurance Agency: Export Development Canada ;

Investment & Export Promotion Show

Investment Agency: Invest in Canada ;